Six years ago, Little Guys Movers opened its doors in Wilmington, and it’s been thriving ever since! To celebrate, we sat down with Branch Manager Andrew Harmon for a little Q&A.
What’s one of the coolest things that’s happened since you opened six years ago?
This is a tough one! We’ve done so much. A few years in a row we helped volunteer with Work on Wilmington. They create project sites all around Wilmington. Thousands of volunteers knock out the projects on a Saturday morning and then have a big celebration afterwards.
Did you guys do anything fun to celebrate your anniversary?
We had an all-store meeting at the beginning of the month. Had a good ol’ BBQ. Smoked some pork butts with all the sides.
To people who have recently moved to Wilmington, what places do you recommend they visit?
Would recommend any/all of the breweries in town! Wilmington is small but there’s at least 20 breweries and more to come!
What local organizations do you appreciate working with in Wilmington?
We love the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, including attending ribbon cuttings to welcome new businesses and attending after hours events to reconnect with other businesses.
Any exciting plans for the future?
We’re looking forward to continued success and being a part of the great Wilmington community.

Branch Manager, Andrew Harmon